
The Netherlands





About: Peelboards

Subject: No more sticking of the dough to the board

Source: EverBake

No more sticking of the dough to the board

Bakers are well known with the problem of dough sticking to the board. You want to move your risen dough without tearing it or that the risen dough deflates. To make the proofing proces more easily we produce peelboards where the dough is not sticking to the board. The surface of our peelboards is made of ABS witch prevent that the dough sticks to the surface. Also the roughness of the board is optimized for this problem.

More about our peelboards

If you want to know more about our peelboards contact us at +31(0)88-7300000 or visit this page about our peelboards. If you want to request a quote fill out this form.